Evolution of the CMO: The Path to CEO

The path from CMO to CEO is becoming increasingly viable as the role of the CMO evolves to encompass a broader, more strategic focus. Traditionally, the route to CEO has been dominated by leaders with backgrounds in finance (CFO) or operations (COO), but the growing importance of customer-centricity, data-driven decision-making, and digital marketing has positioned CMOs as strong contenders for the CEO position.

Successful CMOs who demonstrate a deep understanding of consumer behaviour, market dynamics, and business growth strategies can leverage these skills to transition into the CEO role, as seen in companies like Diageo and Avon. This shift reflects the recognition that a marketing background equips leaders with the necessary insights to drive overall business success, making the CMO to CEO path a compelling option for ambitious marketing executives.

This paper summarises advice from Sherilyn Shackell, AAR, and Grace Blue, and looks to address what CMOs should capitalise on in their current roles to be able to quantify their impact on business growth and be a genuine CEO contender for the future.

The Evolution of the CMO – Path to CEO report 2024